HHI Windows and Doors

Hurricane Impact Windows

Everyone should know the importance of protecting their homes during a hurricane. In the past, what mattered was mere hurricane shutters or panels to cover your windows. It has now come to many homeowners’ knowledge searching for peace of mind and functionality, bringing it to quality impact-resistant windows.  Many of you might think that impact windows are expensive compared to other options.  But you will find that their benefits automatically outweigh their cost.

Are you considering installing hurricane impact windows in your home? Holliday Home Improvements is the leading window installation company in town. With our Bluffton SC Hurricane Impact Window Installation Service we will make sure that you get high-quality impact windows installed the right way.

Reasons To Update Your Bluffton Home With Impact Windows

Below are several reasons why you should invest with impact windows the entire year:

1. Energy Saving

Impact windows usually have up to 25-30% heat gain and a loss in heating and cooling energy usage. In Bluffton, inadequately sealed windows have a 60% of heating and cooling costs.

Energy-saving windows will play a vital role in your home.  Do you think your window’s age influences its cooling and heating loss? That’s not true. But the truth is your windows are not rated as the hurricane impact windows, which is the most rated energy-saving type of windows. They usually have an insulating center and use heavy-duty framing, which reduces air leakage.

2. Impact Windows Come With A Homeowner’s Insurance Discount. 

Always make sure that your home is a safe place by reducing all chances of insurance covers. Impact window usually comes with insurers to provide great premium discounts to help go the extra mile in increasing their home’s safety. With this type of window, insurance discounts are automatically guaranteed, although the price usually varies from one insurer to another. Always ask before you purchase to avoid disappointments in your insurance benefits.

3. Impact Window Manufactures Are Always Making New Improvements

Do you already have an impact-safe glass? Are you sure they can withstand their warranty?  If your windows are impact-resistant, it is essential to understand that manufacturers always make improvements for effectiveness and safety.  Take note of some top-rated impact windows in the market and see if your present windows are still in good shape.

4.  Noise Reduction

Is your neighborhood noisy or with zooming cars and incessant beeping?  Don’t worry! For situations like these, you automatically need better sealing and noise-decreasing windows to make your world peaceful. Impact windows make sure you achieve a sound sleep creating a more relaxing mood in your home.  You will be amazed how they will keep your noise contained to enjoy TV or any noise, making your house party without annoying neighbors.

5. Increase The Value Of The Property

These kinds of windows are known as a real investment in your house. You will all agree with me that whenever you are looking for a new home, you will automatically look for the one which is safe, beautiful, and modern for your family. Storm-resistant windows always impress those who are searching for a home to buy.  When installing impact windows, it is also essential to bear in mind a long-term investment; impact windows give out an excellent upgrade that will automatically pay itself back.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Impact Windows Break?

No, impact windows can withstand the high-speed storm. Instead of breaking like a standard pane of glass, impact windows will fragment.

How Much Wind Speed Can Impact Windows Withstand?

Impact windows can withstand wind speed of 200 mph and debris that accompanies it.

How Long Does It Take To Install Impact Windows?

It will take a professional six to eight weeks to install impact windows. For all your impact window installation services, contact Holliday Home Improvements.

The Best Hurricane Impact Window Replacement Company In Bluffton, SC

Holliday Home Improvements provides quality, reliable, and professional Hurricane impact windows installation services to those who find the task quite hard. We have professionals who are experts at installing your impact windows. Get in touch with us for all your window and door installation and replacement projects.

Call Holliday Home Improvements At 843-689-2140 Now!

Holliday Home Improvements
138 Burnt Church Road, Ste. I, Bluffton, SC 29910

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HHI Windows and Doors